Thankful | Dale Weerts

There are so many things to be thankful for in this life and yet there is a deceiver that would have us believe differently.  The deceiver wants us to be alone, but as believers, Jesus has said, "...and I will be with you always, even until the end of this age."  Matthew 28:20b  The choice …

Calm | Dale Weerts

The sunrise was amazing!  Everything was at peace.  My wife and I were in awe of its beauty as we watched this unfold at Ned's Point on Mattapoisett Bay.  When my sons were small I used to have them look at the sky and told them to watch as God colored.  It's almost unbelieveable how …

A New Way To Think | Dale Weerts

Humiliating things?  This presents a new way to think.  Usually, when people talk about or quote this verse they are talking about doing something difficult but positive.  Here he is saying that regardless of the circumstances I can do all things because Jesus gives me the strength I will need.